Let me use this post to answer some of your questions.
Firstly, my “book-writing” software. I initially created the program as a sort of brain dump management (in case anyone wonders, dump is actually an official term used in software world, most commonly referring to memory dumps), a customized spreadsheet that suited me and my somewhat hectic brain structure. Through regular bursts of enthusiasm and weekends spent in front of the computer screen, the program acquired features suitable for story writing. It allows me to input main characters, their physical and psychological descriptions, their relationships, major positive and negative traits. When the main characters are established I can move onto setting out main plot milestones, detailing the characters, the places, the motivations. Once all the data’s in place, the program produces a plot outline, providing an approximate chapter by chapter breakdown, timing for major revelations and for red herrings (who enjoys a book without them). It also produces some nice wall charts that are very useful for keeping a visual image of the story.
Now, this is starting to sound pretty good even to me. Of course, it’s not that wonderful. The program has a few bugs, few problems here and there... and its main flaw – it doesn’t actually write books. It’s a tool. A tool that works fine for me, but would probably cause an outcry of negative feedback if it was ever marketed. It’s handy, it keeps my thoughts organised, it helps me to re-focus my brain from job-oriented to book-oriented and ... that’s all really.
The GardenerI haven’t quite finished the Snowflake as I write this, but it’s oh so close. I’m planning to type the final stop to the final sentence sometime next week. Still, the story is there. My characters have finished telling the tale and I’m simply documenting it now.
The Gardener, on the other hand, is untold. It’s floating around me like early-morning mist, revealing very little, yet promising so much. Writing a book, as I found out, is as much of a journey for the writer as it is for the readers. And I can’t wait to step onto the new trail and see where it leads me. As always, I welcome everyone along.